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Configuring Outlook 2002 and Outlook XP to receive email and setting up new e-mail accounts.

Email Configuration
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Configuring Outlook 2002 & Outlook XP & Thunderbird

Note that the Thunderbird setup is very similar to Outlook and can be done with the following instructions.

In the following tutorial, we will reference yourdomain.com.  Please remember that whenever we say yourdomain.com, you will simply need to replace that with your domain name.  For example, if your domain were www.microsoft.net, then yourdomain.com would be

1.  Open your Outlook program and go to Tools > E-mail Accounts

2.  Choose Add a new e-mail account

3.  Choose POP3 as your Server Type

4.  Your mail server is mail.yourdomain.com.  Your username is exactly the same as the e-mail account being used to send and receive e-mail.

that it is best to use your ISP outgoing mail server (not "mail.yourdomain.com" as illustrated below). For more information click here.

5.  Choose More settings

6.  Under Outgoing Server Tab choose "My outgoing server(SMTP) requires authentication, the choose OK.

If you choose to use mail.yourdomain.com for your outgoing mail, check the boxes as illustrated below.

If you choose to use your ISP outgoing mail server (as recommended - click here for more info) you will need to leave the "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication" box ticked as per below - but tick on the button "Log on using" and then enter your ISP User Name (typically your email address with your ISP - i.e. yourname@bigpond.com) and Password.

You must do this if you want to be able to send email!

7.  Choose Next.

8.  Choose Finish.  You are now able to send and receive email with Outlook!

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