January 25, 2025
There are currently no known issues with Chilli Websites servers and systems.
There are searchable support FAQs available by
clicking here.
If you think that there is an issue with one of our website or mail servers, please let us know via email by
clicking here.
Resolved Issues
February 2, 2015 - February 18, 2015 - Server Migration of Sydney based Servers
Completed February 18, 2015
We are currently migrating our two Sydney based servers to new upgraded servers within the same data centre. This manual migration will take approximately 16 days. This should not affect most websites and email services - but if you are having an issue please let us know as it may be related to the server migration.
June 7, 2014 11.45am - Sydney1 Server Offline
Resolved June 8, 2014 11.30am
The corrupted files have been identified and have been replaced and the server is back online.
Update June 7, 2014 5.40pm
The Sydney1 server has encountered a corrupted file during routine automated Windows Server updates today at approximately 11.45am. Our server technicians are now aware of this and are working to resolve the issue.
January 30, 2014 - Sydney1 Server Slow to Respond
Resolved Feb 11, 2014 - 9:00am
All customer websites have been migrated to the new server and are functioning normally.
Update Feb 10, 2014 - 10:10am
All of our customer websites are currently being migrated to a new server which will separate them from the data stream which is being affected by these DOS (Denial of Service) attacks. The migration has begun and is expected to take up to 48 hours before the new server can go live and website services return to normal. All websites are still available during this time, though response times may be slow.
Update Feb 6, 2014 - 11:15am
The Sydney1 server is sporadically slow to respond - ranging from normal speed to non-responsive at times. The data centre is experiencing recurrent Denial of Service attacks coming into the data centre which are affecting all servers in the data centre as they consume all of the traffic in and out of the data centre - and therefore don't allow legitimate traffic to get through. These attacks are not directed at our servers specifically and are not "hacking" but are many thousands of remote computers set up to constantly request information from one or more servers.
The server technicians are waiting on a piece of hardware to install in the system which will block these attacks - in the meantime they are working to manage this and we are continuuing to monitor the situation.
October 22, 2013 - Sydney2 Server Offline
Resolved 9:45am
The server has been reset and is back online.
Update 9:25am
The Sydney2 server is currently unavailable - this is affecting both email and websites hosted on this server. We are currently working to resolve this issue ASAP.
October 2, 2013 - Incoming Email Issue Sydney2 Mail Server
Resolved 3:35pm
The mail queue has been cleared and email service has resumed as normal.
Update 9:28am
The Sydney2 mail server is currently backed up and queuing messages while not yet delivering them. The server technicians are clearing the queue and mail messages are expected to resume as normal by 5pm. No mail has been lost.
September 13 , 2013 - Websites not resolving on Sydney1 Server
Resolved 3:45pm
The DNS server has been reset and is functioning properly.
Update 1:40pm
The DNS server on our Sydney1 server is not responding intermittently causing websites on this server to not be available intermittently.
June 27, 2013 - Incoming Email Issue Sydney2 Mail Server
Resolved 4:05pm
The mail queue has been cleared and email service has resumed as normal.
Update 2:38pm
The Sydney2 mail server is currently backed up due to a spam attack. The server technicians are clearing the queue and mail messages are expected to resume as normal by 5pm. No mail has been lost.